We wanted to really capture the way nature has such a calming effect on the body & mind and helps to balance out the chaos of every day life. Time spent in nature has always been really important to me and is the very reason it is so intertwined in the way that I teach yoga.
Rest is essential to our wellbeing and a little time slowing everything down at the beach, in the sea or strolling through the trees can work wonders for your soul.
After many early, cold mornings, hot water bottles to keep our hands warm and dodging hailstones and rain, it’s such a buzz to have the final edit complete 😊
Magda and Chris were a dream to collaborate with, we had the best time roaming along the West Coast and getting creative
Orla Thornton
Directed and story by Magdalena Wodzisz
Camera Operator Chris Staniec
Edited and coloured by Magdalena Wodzisz